Acknowledgements, xvi
Part I Principles of
Aquaculture, 1
1 Basis of Aquaculture, 3
1.1 Scope and definition, 3
1.2 Cultural and socio-economic basis, 3
1.3 Biological and technological basis, 4
1.4 Role in fishery management, 5
1.5 References, 6
2 History of Aquaculture and its Present State, 7
2.1 Origins and growth of aquaculture, 7
2.2 Present state of aquaculture, 9
2.3 References, 13
3 National Planning of Aquaculture
Development, 14
3.1 National priorities and aquaculture
development, 15
3.2 National resources, 15
3.3 Technology and human resources, 19
3.4 Legal and environmental factors, 19
3.5 Organization of aquaculture, 21
3.5.1 Stakeholder participation, 21
3.5.2 Employment opportunities, 22
3.5.3 Industrial-scale aquaculture, 22
3.5.4 Investment requirements, 23
3.5.5 Plan reviews and revisions, 23
3.6 Aquaculture for rural development, 23
3.7 Aquaculture for social benefit, 24
3.7.1 Participation of the local
community, 24
3.8 References, 25
4 Selection of Sites for Aquaculture, 27
4.1 General considerations, 27
4.2 Land-based farms – conflicts, 30
4.2.1 Soil characteristics, 30
4.2.2 Acid sulphate soils, 32
4.3 Open-water farms, 34
4.4 Water quantity and quality, 34
4.5 Sources of pollution and user conflicts,
4.6 Environmental impact assessment, 39
4.7 Social aspects of site selection and
management, 40
4.8 Legal empowerment and licensing of
farms, 41
4.9 References, 41
5 Selection of Species for Culture, 43
5.1 Biological characteristics of aquaculture
species, 44
5.2 Economic and market considerations, 45
5.3 Introduction of exotic species, 46
5.4 Common aquaculture species, 48
5.5 References, 55
6 Design and Construction of Aquafarms, 56
6.1 Inland and coastal pond farms, 56
6.1.1 Data for pond farm design, 56
6.1.2 Design and construction of pond
farms, 61
6.2 Tank and raceway farms, 77
6.2.1 Tank farms, 77
6.2.2 Raceway farms, 82
6.3 Cage farms, 84
6.3.1 Types of cages and layout of cage
farms, 84
6.3.2 Submersible cages and cage
maintenance, 87
6.4 Pens and enclosures, 90
6.5 Design and construction of hatcheries,
6.5.1 Source and supply of water, 93
6.5.2 Reconditioning and recirculation
of water, 94
6.5.3 Hatchery equipment, 95
6.5.4 Layout and accessories, 98
6.6 References, 102
7 Nutrition and Feeds, 105
7.1 Feeding habits and food utilization, 105
7.2 Energy metabolism, 106
7.3 Energy requirements and sources, 107
7.3.1 Carbohydrates, 108
7.3.2 Proteins, 108
7.3.3 Lipids and essential fatty acids, 112
7.3.4 Vitamins, 115
7.3.5 Minerals, 118
7.4 Brood stock and larval nutrition, 120
7.5 Live foods, 121
7.5.1 Nature and source of live foods,
7.5.2 Pond fertilization for production of
live foods, 134
7.6 Artificial feeds, 143
7.6.1 Supplementary feedstuffs, 143
7.6.2 Types of processed feeds, 144
7.6.3 Ingredients, 145
7.6.4 Feed formulation and feed
formulae, 148
7.6.5 Substitution of fish meal in feeds,
7.6.6 Feed preparation, 154
7.6.7 Larval feeds, 159
7.6.8 Feeding techniques, 162
7.7 References, 168
8 Reproduction and Genetic Selection, 174
8.1 Reproductive cycles, 174
8.2 Control of reproduction, 175
8.3 Induced reproduction, 176
8.3.1 Hypophysation, 178
8.3.2 Gametes and fertilization, 180
8.4 Preservation of gametes, 181
8.5 Use of sex steroids for sex reversal, 181
8.6 Genetic selection and hybridization, 182
8.6.1 Methods of genetic selection, 183
8.6.2 Mass selection, 184
8.6.3 Genotypic selection, 185
8.6.4 Progeny testing, 186
8.6.5 Combined selection, 186
8.6.6 Cross-breeding, 187
8.6.7 Chromosomal manipulation, 189
8.7 Transgenics in aquaculture, 189
8.8 Molecular techniques, 190
8.8.1 Inbreeding and maintenance of
genetic quality, 191
8.8.2 Intraspecific crossbreeding, 191
8.8.3 Interspecific hybridization, 192
8.8.4 Genetic selection, 192
8.8.5 Correlated responses, 192
8.8.6 Polyploidy, 192
8.8.7 Sex manipulation and breeding,
8.8.8 Gynogenesis, androgenesis and
cloning, 193
8.8.9 Interspecific nuclear
transfer, 193
8.8.10 Linkage mapping, 194
8.8.11 Marker-assisted selection, 194
8.8.12 Combining genetic enhancement
programmes, 194
8.9 References, 195
9 Health and Diseases, 201
9.1 Health and diseases in aquaculture, 201
9.1.1 Factors affecting fish health, 202
9.1.2 Integrated health management,
9.2 Major diseases of aquaculture species, 216
9.2.1 Viral diseases, 217
9.2.2 Bacterial diseases, 222
9.2.3 Fungus diseases, 230
9.2.4 Protozoan diseases, 233
9.2.5 Copepod infections, 237
9.2.6 Trematode infections, 239
9.3 Public health and aquaculture, 240
9.4 References, 242
10 Control of Weeds, Pests and Predators, 246
10.1 Weed problems in aquaculture farms, 246
10.2 Common aquatic weeds, 247
10.3 Methods of weed control, 247
10.3.1 Prevention of infestations and
utilization of weeds, 247
10.3.2 Manual and mechanical methods,
10.3.3 Chemical methods, 250
10.3.4 Biological control, 252
10.4 Control of predators, weed animals and
pests, 253
10.4.1 Predators, 254
10.4.2 Weed animals and pests, 255
10.4.3 Use of non-selective pesticides, 256
10.5 References, 257
11 Harvesting and Post-Harvest Technology, 260
11.1 Harvesting methods, 260
11.1.1 Harvesting drainable ponds, 260
11.1.2 Seining undrainable ponds, 260
11.1.3 Other methods of fishing, 264
11.1.4 Harvesting cage and raceway
farms, 266
11.1.5 Harvesting of molluscs, 267
11.2 Handling, preservation and transport, 268
11.2.1 Sorting, 268
11.2.2 Depuration of molluscs, 270
11.2.3 Preservation and processing, 271
11.3 References, 272
x Contents
12 Marketing of Aquaculture Products, 274
12.1 Outlets for aquaculture products, 274
12.2 Organization of marketing, 275
12.3 Market strategies for industrial
aquaculture, 276
12.3.1 Market research, 276
12.3.2 Formulation of market strategies,
12.4 Marketing strategies for aquaculture
products, 282
12.5 References, 283
13 Economics and Financing of Aquaculture, 284
13.1 Economic viability, 284
13.2 Data requirements, 285
13.2.1 Assets and liabilities, 285
13.2.2 Variable and fixed costs, 285
13.2.3 Operating income, 286
13.3 Analysis of data, 286
13.3.1 Evaluation of farm performance,
13.3.2 Sensitivity analysis, 289
13.3.3 Minimum farm size, 290
13.4 Financial and economic feasibility of
investment, 293
13.4.1 Financial analysis, 296
13.4.2 Cash flow analysis, 299
13.4.3 Socio-economic analysis, 299
13.5 Risk and insurance, 301
13.6 References, 303
14 Farm Management, 304
14.1 Concepts and economic principles of farm
management, 304
14.2 Application of farm management
principles in aquaculture, 306
14.2.1 Farm business analysis, 307
14.2.2 Planning and organization of farm
business, 308
14.2.3 Operation and financing, 308
14.2.4 Labour management, 309
14.2.5 Decision-making, 309
14.3 References, 310
15 Sustainability and Environmental Management
of Aquaculture, 311
15.1 Sustainability and environmental
management, 311
15.2 Pollutionary effects of waste discharges
from aquatic farms, 311
15.3 Controlled use of natural resources, 312
15.4 Selection of sites and farming practices,
15.5 Guidelines for sustainable aquaculture
and transport of live aquatic animals, 315
15.5.1 Guidelines of principles and
standards, 315
15.5.2 Regulation and licensing, 315
15.6 References, 316
Part II Aquaculture
Practices, 319
16 Carps, 321
16.1 Main species of carps (family Cyprinidae)
used for culture, 321
16.1.1 Common carp, 321
16.1.2 Chinese carps, 324
16.1.3 Indian carps, 326
16.1.4 Species combinations, 328
16.2 Culture systems, 328
16.3 Spawning and fry production, 330
16.3.1 Breeding of common carp, 332
16.3.2 Selection and segregation of brood
stock, 332
16.3.3 Spawning and larval rearing, 333
16.3.4 Hypophysation, 334
16.3.5 Nursing of carp fry, 342
16.4 Grow-out and polyculture, 343
16.4.1 Stocking rates, 343
16.4.2 Polyculture, 343
16.4.3 Pond fertilization and feeding, 345
16.5 Diseases and mortality, 346
16.6 Harvesting and marketing, 349
16.6.1 Economics and carp culture, 350
16.7 References, 350
17 Trouts and Salmons, 352
17.1 Trouts, 353
17.1.1 Culture systems, 355
17.1.2 Development of brood stock, 358
17.1.3 Techniques of propagation, 359
17.1.4 Grow-out, 362
17.2 Salmons, 363
17.2.1 Culture systems, 364
17.2.2 Techniques of propagation, 365
17.2.3 Grow-out, 367
17.3 Feeds and feeding of salmonids, 368
17.4 Salmonid diseases, 370
17.5 Harvesting and processing, 371
17.6 Economics, 371
17.7 References, 372
18 Catfishes, 373
18.1 Channel catfish, 373
18.1.1 Culture system, 373
18.1.2 Propagation and grow-out, 374
18.2 Asian catfishes, 379
18.2.1 Spawning and fry production of
Clarias spp., 380
18.2.2 Propagation of Pangasius, 381
18.2.3 Grow-out of Asian catfishes, 382
Contents xi
18.2.4 Diseases, 383
18.2.5 Economics, 384
18.3 African catfish, 384
18.3.1 Spawning and fry production, 385
18.3.2 Grow-out and feeds, 386
18.4 European catfish (family Siluridae), 387
18.4.1 Spawning and rearing of fry, 387
18.4.2 Grow-out, 388
18.5 References, 389
19 Eels, 391
19.1 Culture systems, 391
19.2 Collection and rearing of seed eels, 393
19.3 Feeds and grow-out of adult eels, 394
19.4 Diseases and mortality, 395
19.5 Harvesting and marketing, 397
19.6 Economics, 398
19.7 References, 399
20 Tilapias, 400
20.1 Cultivated species of tilapias, 401
20.2 Culture systems, 402
20.3 Spawning and production of seed stock,
20.3.1 Methods of spawning, 404
20.3.2 Mono-sex seed stock and hybrids,
20.4 Grow-out and feeding, 409
20.4.1 Grow-outs in ponds, 409
20.4.2 Cage and pen culture, 410
20.4.3 Tank and raceway culture, 411
20.4.4 Feeds and feeding, 411
20.5 Diseases and mortality, 412
20.6 Harvesting and marketing, 412
20.7 Economics, 412
20.8 References, 415
21 Grey Mullets and Milkfish, 417
21.1 Grey mullets (family Mugilidae), 417
21.1.1 Culture systems, 418
21.1.2 Fry collection and artificial
propagation, 419
21.1.3 Grow-out, 421
21.1.4 Diseases, 423
21.2 Milkfish, 423
21.2.1 Culture systems, 424
21.2.2 Fry collection and induced
spawning, 424
21.2.3 Grow-out, 428
21.2.4 Harvesting and marketing, 431
21.3 References, 432
22 Yellowtail, 434
22.1 Culture systems, 434
22.2 Production of seedlings, 435
22.3 Grow-out, 436
22.4 Diseases, 436
22.5 Harvesting and marketing, 437
22.6 References, 437
23 Sea-Basses and Sea-Breams, 438
23.1 Sea-basses, 438
23.1.1 European sea-bass, 440
23.1.2 Asian sea-bass, 440
23.2 Sea-breams, 444
23.2.1 Gilthead sea-bream, 444
23.2.2 Red sea-bream, 446
23.3 References, 447
24 Other Finfishes, 449
24.1 Murrels (snakeheads), 451
24.1.1 Spawning and fry production, 452
24.1.2 Grow-out, 453
24.2 Gouramis, 453
24.1.1 Spawning and fry production, 454
24.1.2 Grow-out, 456
24.3 Groupers, 457
24.3.1 Fry collection and induced
spawning, 457
24.3.2 Nursing and grow-out, 458
24.4 Rabbit fishes, 458
24.4.1 Fry collection and induced
spawning, 459
24.4.2 Grow-out, 460
24.5 Turbot, 460
24.5.1 Controlled spawning and
hatchery production of
juveniles, 460
24.5.2 Grow-out, 462
24.6 Cod, 463
24.7 Tunas, 465
24.8 References, 469
25 Shrimps and Prawns, 473
25.1 Major cultivated species of shrimps and
prawns, 473
25.2 Shrimp culture systems, 478
25.2.1 Production of seed stock, 480
25.2.2 Collection of wild seed stock, 480
25.2.3 Hatchery production of seed stock,
25.3 Reproduction and larval rearing of
shrimps, 481
25.3.1 Brood stock, 481
25.3.2 Hatchery systems, 482
25.3.3 Spawning and larval rearing, 485
25.4 Grow-out of shrimps, 487
25.4.1 Food and feeding, 490
25.4.2 Diseases, 490
25.4.3 Harvesting and marketing, 492
25.5 Economics of shrimp farming, 493
25.6 Reproduction and larval rearing of freshwater
prawns, 495
25.6.1 Hatchery systems, 496
25.6.2 Spawning and larval rearing, 497
xii Contents
25.7 Grow-out of fresh-water prawns, 500
25.7.1 Food and feeding, 501
25.7.2 Harvesting and marketing, 503
25.8 Economics of fresh-water prawn farming,
25.9 References, 506
26 Crayfishes and Crabs, 510
26.1 Crayfishes, 510
26.1.1 Culture of Procambarus clarkii,
26.2 Crabs, 515
26.2.1 Culture of Scylla serrata, 515
26.2.2 Propagation of crabs in Japan, 517
26.3 References, 517
27 Oysters and Mussels, 519
27.1 Oysters, 520
27.1.1 Culture systems, 522
27.1.2 Production of seed oysters, 525
27.1.3 Grow-out, 532
27.1.4 Harvesting, handling and
marketing, 538
27.2 Mussels, 538
27.2.1 Culture systems, 541
27.2.2 Seed stock, 543
27.2.3 Grow-out, 544
27.2.4 Harvesting, depuration and
marketing, 545
27.3 References, 546
28 Clams, Scallops and Abalones, 549
28.1 Clams, 549
28.1.1 Culture systems, 549
28.1.2 Hatchery production of seed, 550
28.1.3 Grow-out, 551
28.2 Scallops, 552
28.2.1 Spat collection, 552
28.2.2 Hatchery production of spat, 553
28.2.3 Grow-out, 553
28.3 Abalones, 555
28.3.1 Controlled reproduction and larval
rearing, 558
28.3.2 Grow-out, 559
28.4 References, 560
29 Seaweeds, 562
29.1 Culture systems, 563
29.2 Culture practices, 564
29.2.1 Porphyra culture, 564
29.2.2 Culture of Undaria, 569
29.2.3 Culture of Laminaria, 570
29.2.4 Culture of other edible seaweeds,
29.2.5 Culture of seaweeds for industrial
use, 572
29.3 References, 574
30 Integration of Aquaculture with Crop and
Livestock Farming, 576
30.1 Rationale of integrated farming, 576
30.2 Integrated farming of fish and livestock,
30.2.1 Pig and fish farming, 577
30.2.2 Duck and fish farming, 579
30.2.3 Farming of other animals in
association with fish, 582
30.3 Rice-field aquaculture, 582
30.3.1 Objectives and types of rice-field
aquaculture, 584
30.3.2 Rice–fish rotation, 585
30.3.3 Combined culture of rice and fish,
30.4 Polyculture of bivalves and seaweeds in
marine environments, 591
30.5 References, 591
31 Stocking of Open Waters and
Ranching, 594
31.1 Open-water stocking, 594
31.1.1 Reservoirs, 594
31.1.2 Lakes and streams, 596
31.1.3 Coastal and inland seas, 600
31.2 Ranching of anadromous species, 602
31.2.1 Salmons, 603
31.2.2 Sturgeons, 609
31.3 Ownership and regulation of fishing, 611
31.4 References, 611
Index, 614
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