Summary, etc |
<br/>CONTENT<br/><br/>Acknowledgements, xvi<br/>Part I Principles of<br/>Aquaculture, 1<br/>1 Basis of Aquaculture, 3<br/>1.1 Scope and definition, 3<br/>1.2 Cultural and socio-economic basis, 3<br/>1.3 Biological and technological basis, 4<br/>1.4 Role in fishery management, 5<br/>1.5 References, 6<br/>2 History of Aquaculture and its Present State, 7<br/>2.1 Origins and growth of aquaculture, 7<br/>2.2 Present state of aquaculture, 9<br/>2.3 References, 13<br/>3 National Planning of Aquaculture<br/>Development, 14<br/>3.1 National priorities and aquaculture<br/>development, 15<br/>3.2 National resources, 15<br/>3.3 Technology and human resources, 19<br/>3.4 Legal and environmental factors, 19<br/>3.5 Organization of aquaculture, 21<br/>3.5.1 Stakeholder participation, 21<br/>3.5.2 Employment opportunities, 22<br/>3.5.3 Industrial-scale aquaculture, 22<br/>3.5.4 Investment requirements, 23<br/>3.5.5 Plan reviews and revisions, 23<br/>3.6 Aquaculture for rural development, 23<br/>3.7 Aquaculture for social benefit, 24<br/>3.7.1 Participation of the local<br/>community, 24<br/>3.8 References, 25<br/>4 Selection of Sites for Aquaculture, 27<br/>4.1 General considerations, 27<br/>4.2 Land-based farms – conflicts, 30<br/>4.2.1 Soil characteristics, 30<br/>4.2.2 Acid sulphate soils, 32<br/>4.3 Open-water farms, 34<br/>4.4 Water quantity and quality, 34<br/>4.5 Sources of pollution and user conflicts,<br/>36<br/>4.6 Environmental impact assessment, 39<br/>4.7 Social aspects of site selection and<br/>management, 40<br/>4.8 Legal empowerment and licensing of<br/>farms, 41<br/>4.9 References, 41<br/>5 Selection of Species for Culture, 43<br/>5.1 Biological characteristics of aquaculture<br/>species, 44<br/>5.2 Economic and market considerations, 45<br/>5.3 Introduction of exotic species, 46<br/>5.4 Common aquaculture species, 48<br/>5.5 References, 55<br/>6 Design and Construction of Aquafarms, 56<br/>6.1 Inland and coastal pond farms, 56<br/>6.1.1 Data for pond farm design, 56<br/>6.1.2 Design and construction of pond<br/>farms, 61<br/>6.2 Tank and raceway farms, 77<br/>6.2.1 Tank farms, 77<br/>6.2.2 Raceway farms, 82<br/>6.3 Cage farms, 84<br/>6.3.1 Types of cages and layout of cage<br/>farms, 84<br/>6.3.2 Submersible cages and cage<br/>maintenance, 87<br/>6.4 Pens and enclosures, 90<br/>6.5 Design and construction of hatcheries,<br/>91<br/>6.5.1 Source and supply of water, 93<br/>6.5.2 Reconditioning and recirculation<br/>of water, 94<br/>Contents<br/>ix<br/>6.5.3 Hatchery equipment, 95<br/>6.5.4 Layout and accessories, 98<br/>6.6 References, 102<br/>7 Nutrition and Feeds, 105<br/>7.1 Feeding habits and food utilization, 105<br/>7.2 Energy metabolism, 106<br/>7.3 Energy requirements and sources, 107<br/>7.3.1 Carbohydrates, 108<br/>7.3.2 Proteins, 108<br/>7.3.3 Lipids and essential fatty acids, 112<br/>7.3.4 Vitamins, 115<br/>7.3.5 Minerals, 118<br/>7.4 Brood stock and larval nutrition, 120<br/>7.5 Live foods, 121<br/>7.5.1 Nature and source of live foods,<br/>121<br/>7.5.2 Pond fertilization for production of<br/>live foods, 134<br/>7.6 Artificial feeds, 143<br/>7.6.1 Supplementary feedstuffs, 143<br/>7.6.2 Types of processed feeds, 144<br/>7.6.3 Ingredients, 145<br/>7.6.4 Feed formulation and feed<br/>formulae, 148<br/>7.6.5 Substitution of fish meal in feeds,<br/>153<br/>7.6.6 Feed preparation, 154<br/>7.6.7 Larval feeds, 159<br/>7.6.8 Feeding techniques, 162<br/>7.7 References, 168<br/>8 Reproduction and Genetic Selection, 174<br/>8.1 Reproductive cycles, 174<br/>8.2 Control of reproduction, 175<br/>8.3 Induced reproduction, 176<br/>8.3.1 Hypophysation, 178<br/>8.3.2 Gametes and fertilization, 180<br/>8.4 Preservation of gametes, 181<br/>8.5 Use of sex steroids for sex reversal, 181<br/>8.6 Genetic selection and hybridization, 182<br/>8.6.1 Methods of genetic selection, 183<br/>8.6.2 Mass selection, 184<br/>8.6.3 Genotypic selection, 185<br/>8.6.4 Progeny testing, 186<br/>8.6.5 Combined selection, 186<br/>8.6.6 Cross-breeding, 187<br/>8.6.7 Chromosomal manipulation, 189<br/>8.7 Transgenics in aquaculture, 189<br/>8.8 Molecular techniques, 190<br/>8.8.1 Inbreeding and maintenance of<br/>genetic quality, 191<br/>8.8.2 Intraspecific crossbreeding, 191<br/>8.8.3 Interspecific hybridization, 192<br/>8.8.4 Genetic selection, 192<br/>8.8.5 Correlated responses, 192<br/>8.8.6 Polyploidy, 192<br/>8.8.7 Sex manipulation and breeding,<br/>193<br/>8.8.8 Gynogenesis, androgenesis and<br/>cloning, 193<br/>8.8.9 Interspecific nuclear<br/>transfer, 193<br/>8.8.10 Linkage mapping, 194<br/>8.8.11 Marker-assisted selection, 194<br/>8.8.12 Combining genetic enhancement<br/>programmes, 194<br/>8.9 References, 195<br/>9 Health and Diseases, 201<br/>9.1 Health and diseases in aquaculture, 201<br/>9.1.1 Factors affecting fish health, 202<br/>9.1.2 Integrated health management,<br/>206<br/>9.2 Major diseases of aquaculture species, 216<br/>9.2.1 Viral diseases, 217<br/>9.2.2 Bacterial diseases, 222<br/>9.2.3 Fungus diseases, 230<br/>9.2.4 Protozoan diseases, 233<br/>9.2.5 Copepod infections, 237<br/>9.2.6 Trematode infections, 239<br/>9.3 Public health and aquaculture, 240<br/>9.4 References, 242<br/>10 Control of Weeds, Pests and Predators, 246<br/>10.1 Weed problems in aquaculture farms, 246<br/>10.2 Common aquatic weeds, 247<br/>10.3 Methods of weed control, 247<br/>10.3.1 Prevention of infestations and<br/>utilization of weeds, 247<br/>10.3.2 Manual and mechanical methods,<br/>249<br/>10.3.3 Chemical methods, 250<br/>10.3.4 Biological control, 252<br/>10.4 Control of predators, weed animals and<br/>pests, 253<br/>10.4.1 Predators, 254<br/>10.4.2 Weed animals and pests, 255<br/>10.4.3 Use of non-selective pesticides, 256<br/>10.5 References, 257<br/>11 Harvesting and Post-Harvest Technology, 260<br/>11.1 Harvesting methods, 260<br/>11.1.1 Harvesting drainable ponds, 260<br/>11.1.2 Seining undrainable ponds, 260<br/>11.1.3 Other methods of fishing, 264<br/>11.1.4 Harvesting cage and raceway<br/>farms, 266<br/>11.1.5 Harvesting of molluscs, 267<br/>11.2 Handling, preservation and transport, 268<br/>11.2.1 Sorting, 268<br/>11.2.2 Depuration of molluscs, 270<br/>11.2.3 Preservation and processing, 271<br/>11.3 References, 272<br/>x Contents<br/>12 Marketing of Aquaculture Products, 274<br/>12.1 Outlets for aquaculture products, 274<br/>12.2 Organization of marketing, 275<br/>12.3 Market strategies for industrial<br/>aquaculture, 276<br/>12.3.1 Market research, 276<br/>12.3.2 Formulation of market strategies,<br/>280<br/>12.4 Marketing strategies for aquaculture<br/>products, 282<br/>12.5 References, 283<br/>13 Economics and Financing of Aquaculture, 284<br/>13.1 Economic viability, 284<br/>13.2 Data requirements, 285<br/>13.2.1 Assets and liabilities, 285<br/>13.2.2 Variable and fixed costs, 285<br/>13.2.3 Operating income, 286<br/>13.3 Analysis of data, 286<br/>13.3.1 Evaluation of farm performance,<br/>287<br/>13.3.2 Sensitivity analysis, 289<br/>13.3.3 Minimum farm size, 290<br/>13.4 Financial and economic feasibility of<br/>investment, 293<br/>13.4.1 Financial analysis, 296<br/>13.4.2 Cash flow analysis, 299<br/>13.4.3 Socio-economic analysis, 299<br/>13.5 Risk and insurance, 301<br/>13.6 References, 303<br/>14 Farm Management, 304<br/>14.1 Concepts and economic principles of farm<br/>management, 304<br/>14.2 Application of farm management<br/>principles in aquaculture, 306<br/>14.2.1 Farm business analysis, 307<br/>14.2.2 Planning and organization of farm<br/>business, 308<br/>14.2.3 Operation and financing, 308<br/>14.2.4 Labour management, 309<br/>14.2.5 Decision-making, 309<br/>14.3 References, 310<br/>15 Sustainability and Environmental Management<br/>of Aquaculture, 311<br/>15.1 Sustainability and environmental<br/>management, 311<br/>15.2 Pollutionary effects of waste discharges<br/>from aquatic farms, 311<br/>15.3 Controlled use of natural resources, 312<br/>15.4 Selection of sites and farming practices,<br/>312<br/>15.5 Guidelines for sustainable aquaculture<br/>and transport of live aquatic animals, 315<br/>15.5.1 Guidelines of principles and<br/>standards, 315<br/>15.5.2 Regulation and licensing, 315<br/>15.6 References, 316<br/>Part II Aquaculture<br/>Practices, 319<br/>16 Carps, 321<br/>16.1 Main species of carps (family Cyprinidae)<br/>used for culture, 321<br/>16.1.1 Common carp, 321<br/>16.1.2 Chinese carps, 324<br/>16.1.3 Indian carps, 326<br/>16.1.4 Species combinations, 328<br/>16.2 Culture systems, 328<br/>16.3 Spawning and fry production, 330<br/>16.3.1 Breeding of common carp, 332<br/>16.3.2 Selection and segregation of brood<br/>stock, 332<br/>16.3.3 Spawning and larval rearing, 333<br/>16.3.4 Hypophysation, 334<br/>16.3.5 Nursing of carp fry, 342<br/>16.4 Grow-out and polyculture, 343<br/>16.4.1 Stocking rates, 343<br/>16.4.2 Polyculture, 343<br/>16.4.3 Pond fertilization and feeding, 345<br/>16.5 Diseases and mortality, 346<br/>16.6 Harvesting and marketing, 349<br/>16.6.1 Economics and carp culture, 350<br/>16.7 References, 350<br/>17 Trouts and Salmons, 352<br/>17.1 Trouts, 353<br/>17.1.1 Culture systems, 355<br/>17.1.2 Development of brood stock, 358<br/>17.1.3 Techniques of propagation, 359<br/>17.1.4 Grow-out, 362<br/>17.2 Salmons, 363<br/>17.2.1 Culture systems, 364<br/>17.2.2 Techniques of propagation, 365<br/>17.2.3 Grow-out, 367<br/>17.3 Feeds and feeding of salmonids, 368<br/>17.4 Salmonid diseases, 370<br/>17.5 Harvesting and processing, 371<br/>17.6 Economics, 371<br/>17.7 References, 372<br/>18 Catfishes, 373<br/>18.1 Channel catfish, 373<br/>18.1.1 Culture system, 373<br/>18.1.2 Propagation and grow-out, 374<br/>18.2 Asian catfishes, 379<br/>18.2.1 Spawning and fry production of<br/>Clarias spp., 380<br/>18.2.2 Propagation of Pangasius, 381<br/>18.2.3 Grow-out of Asian catfishes, 382<br/>Contents xi<br/>18.2.4 Diseases, 383<br/>18.2.5 Economics, 384<br/>18.3 African catfish, 384<br/>18.3.1 Spawning and fry production, 385<br/>18.3.2 Grow-out and feeds, 386<br/>18.4 European catfish (family Siluridae), 387<br/>18.4.1 Spawning and rearing of fry, 387<br/>18.4.2 Grow-out, 388<br/>18.5 References, 389<br/>19 Eels, 391<br/>19.1 Culture systems, 391<br/>19.2 Collection and rearing of seed eels, 393<br/>19.3 Feeds and grow-out of adult eels, 394<br/>19.4 Diseases and mortality, 395<br/>19.5 Harvesting and marketing, 397<br/>19.6 Economics, 398<br/>19.7 References, 399<br/>20 Tilapias, 400<br/>20.1 Cultivated species of tilapias, 401<br/>20.2 Culture systems, 402<br/>20.3 Spawning and production of seed stock,<br/>404<br/>20.3.1 Methods of spawning, 404<br/>20.3.2 Mono-sex seed stock and hybrids,<br/>406<br/>20.4 Grow-out and feeding, 409<br/>20.4.1 Grow-outs in ponds, 409<br/>20.4.2 Cage and pen culture, 410<br/>20.4.3 Tank and raceway culture, 411<br/>20.4.4 Feeds and feeding, 411<br/>20.5 Diseases and mortality, 412<br/>20.6 Harvesting and marketing, 412<br/>20.7 Economics, 412<br/>20.8 References, 415<br/>21 Grey Mullets and Milkfish, 417<br/>21.1 Grey mullets (family Mugilidae), 417<br/>21.1.1 Culture systems, 418<br/>21.1.2 Fry collection and artificial<br/>propagation, 419<br/>21.1.3 Grow-out, 421<br/>21.1.4 Diseases, 423<br/>21.2 Milkfish, 423<br/>21.2.1 Culture systems, 424<br/>21.2.2 Fry collection and induced<br/>spawning, 424<br/>21.2.3 Grow-out, 428<br/>21.2.4 Harvesting and marketing, 431<br/>21.3 References, 432<br/>22 Yellowtail, 434<br/>22.1 Culture systems, 434<br/>22.2 Production of seedlings, 435<br/>22.3 Grow-out, 436<br/>22.4 Diseases, 436<br/>22.5 Harvesting and marketing, 437<br/>22.6 References, 437<br/>23 Sea-Basses and Sea-Breams, 438<br/>23.1 Sea-basses, 438<br/>23.1.1 European sea-bass, 440<br/>23.1.2 Asian sea-bass, 440<br/>23.2 Sea-breams, 444<br/>23.2.1 Gilthead sea-bream, 444<br/>23.2.2 Red sea-bream, 446<br/>23.3 References, 447<br/>24 Other Finfishes, 449<br/>24.1 Murrels (snakeheads), 451<br/>24.1.1 Spawning and fry production, 452<br/>24.1.2 Grow-out, 453<br/>24.2 Gouramis, 453<br/>24.1.1 Spawning and fry production, 454<br/>24.1.2 Grow-out, 456<br/>24.3 Groupers, 457<br/>24.3.1 Fry collection and induced<br/>spawning, 457<br/>24.3.2 Nursing and grow-out, 458<br/>24.4 Rabbit fishes, 458<br/>24.4.1 Fry collection and induced<br/>spawning, 459<br/>24.4.2 Grow-out, 460<br/>24.5 Turbot, 460<br/>24.5.1 Controlled spawning and<br/>hatchery production of<br/>juveniles, 460<br/>24.5.2 Grow-out, 462<br/>24.6 Cod, 463<br/>24.7 Tunas, 465<br/>24.8 References, 469<br/>25 Shrimps and Prawns, 473<br/>25.1 Major cultivated species of shrimps and<br/>prawns, 473<br/>25.2 Shrimp culture systems, 478<br/>25.2.1 Production of seed stock, 480<br/>25.2.2 Collection of wild seed stock, 480<br/>25.2.3 Hatchery production of seed stock,<br/>480<br/>25.3 Reproduction and larval rearing of<br/>shrimps, 481<br/>25.3.1 Brood stock, 481<br/>25.3.2 Hatchery systems, 482<br/>25.3.3 Spawning and larval rearing, 485<br/>25.4 Grow-out of shrimps, 487<br/>25.4.1 Food and feeding, 490<br/>25.4.2 Diseases, 490<br/>25.4.3 Harvesting and marketing, 492<br/>25.5 Economics of shrimp farming, 493<br/>25.6 Reproduction and larval rearing of freshwater<br/>prawns, 495<br/>25.6.1 Hatchery systems, 496<br/>25.6.2 Spawning and larval rearing, 497<br/>xii Contents<br/>25.7 Grow-out of fresh-water prawns, 500<br/>25.7.1 Food and feeding, 501<br/>25.7.2 Harvesting and marketing, 503<br/>25.8 Economics of fresh-water prawn farming,<br/>506<br/>25.9 References, 506<br/>26 Crayfishes and Crabs, 510<br/>26.1 Crayfishes, 510<br/>26.1.1 Culture of Procambarus clarkii,<br/>513<br/>26.2 Crabs, 515<br/>26.2.1 Culture of Scylla serrata, 515<br/>26.2.2 Propagation of crabs in Japan, 517<br/>26.3 References, 517<br/>27 Oysters and Mussels, 519<br/>27.1 Oysters, 520<br/>27.1.1 Culture systems, 522<br/>27.1.2 Production of seed oysters, 525<br/>27.1.3 Grow-out, 532<br/>27.1.4 Harvesting, handling and<br/>marketing, 538<br/>27.2 Mussels, 538<br/>27.2.1 Culture systems, 541<br/>27.2.2 Seed stock, 543<br/>27.2.3 Grow-out, 544<br/>27.2.4 Harvesting, depuration and<br/>marketing, 545<br/>27.3 References, 546<br/>28 Clams, Scallops and Abalones, 549<br/>28.1 Clams, 549<br/>28.1.1 Culture systems, 549<br/>28.1.2 Hatchery production of seed, 550<br/>28.1.3 Grow-out, 551<br/>28.2 Scallops, 552<br/>28.2.1 Spat collection, 552<br/>28.2.2 Hatchery production of spat, 553<br/>28.2.3 Grow-out, 553<br/>28.3 Abalones, 555<br/>28.3.1 Controlled reproduction and larval<br/>rearing, 558<br/>28.3.2 Grow-out, 559<br/>28.4 References, 560<br/>29 Seaweeds, 562<br/>29.1 Culture systems, 563<br/>29.2 Culture practices, 564<br/>29.2.1 Porphyra culture, 564<br/>29.2.2 Culture of Undaria, 569<br/>29.2.3 Culture of Laminaria, 570<br/>29.2.4 Culture of other edible seaweeds,<br/>571<br/>29.2.5 Culture of seaweeds for industrial<br/>use, 572<br/>29.3 References, 574<br/>30 Integration of Aquaculture with Crop and<br/>Livestock Farming, 576<br/>30.1 Rationale of integrated farming, 576<br/>30.2 Integrated farming of fish and livestock,<br/>577<br/>30.2.1 Pig and fish farming, 577<br/>30.2.2 Duck and fish farming, 579<br/>30.2.3 Farming of other animals in<br/>association with fish, 582<br/>30.3 Rice-field aquaculture, 582<br/>30.3.1 Objectives and types of rice-field<br/>aquaculture, 584<br/>30.3.2 Rice–fish rotation, 585<br/>30.3.3 Combined culture of rice and fish,<br/>587<br/>30.4 Polyculture of bivalves and seaweeds in<br/>marine environments, 591<br/>30.5 References, 591<br/>31 Stocking of Open Waters and<br/>Ranching, 594<br/>31.1 Open-water stocking, 594<br/>31.1.1 Reservoirs, 594<br/>31.1.2 Lakes and streams, 596<br/>31.1.3 Coastal and inland seas, 600<br/>31.2 Ranching of anadromous species, 602<br/>31.2.1 Salmons, 603<br/>31.2.2 Sturgeons, 609<br/>31.3 Ownership and regulation of fishing, 611<br/>31.4 References, 611<br/>Index, 614 |