Bhutan’s success in conservation : Valuing the contribution of the environment to Gross National Happiness /

by Brown, J.
Additional authors: Bird, N.
Published by : ODI publications, (UK :) Physical details: 17 p. : ill. : Year: 2011 Item type: E-Book
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Includes bibliographical reference.

of contents
List of abbreviations 2
1. Introduction 3
2. Context 4
3. Description of progress 5
3.1 Bhutan’s national development philosophy 5
3.2 Specific outcomes of progress 6
3.2.1 Increasing proportion of land under protected area status 6
3.2.2 Increased proportion of land under forest cover 8
3.2.3 Creation of sustainable conservation finance 9
3.2.4 Progress towards mainstreaming environmental concerns into development 9
3.2.5 Reliance on hydroelectricity as a main driver of economic growth 10
3.2.6 Bhutan’s tourism policy 10
3.2.7 Other indicators 10
3.3 Assessing progress against the criteria of scale, sustainability and equity 11
4. Drivers of progress 12
4.1 Contextual factors 12
4.2 Specific factors of progress 12
5. Conclusions 13
5.1 Key lessons 13
5.2 Challenges 13
References 15

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