Biodiversity and pest management in agroecosystems /
Altieri, Miguel Angel |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 ALT |
Essential Reading List
Integrated Pest Management :
potential, constraints, and challenges / (Acc: 2860)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.9 KOU |
Essential Reading List
Integrated pest management:
potential, constraints and challenges / (Acc. 3841)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.9 KOU |
1 |
Essential Reading List
Integrated pest management :
potential, constraints, and challenges / (Acc. 4269)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632/.9 KOU |
1 |
Essential Reading List
Integrated pest management :
potential, constraints, and challenges / (Acc: 4725)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.9 KOU |
Essential Reading List
Prospects of indigenous plant extracts in tea pest management /
Mamun M.S.A & Ahmed, M |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 MAM |
Essential Reading List
Prospects of indigenous plant extracts in tea pest management /
Mamun M.S.A & Ahmed, M |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 MAM |
Essential Reading List
Introduction To Insect Pest Management / (Acc. 3979)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 MET |
Essential Reading List
Introduction To Insect Pest Management / (Acc. 3979)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 MET |
Essential Reading List
Introduction To Insect Pest Management / (Acc. 3979)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 MET |
1 |
Essential Reading List
Biological control / (Acc. 4252)
Van Driesche, Roy. |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.96 DRI |
Essential Reading List
Biological control / (Acc. 4252)
Van Driesche, Roy. |
Bhutan Journal |
College of Natural Resources |
632.96 DRI |
1 |
Essential Reading List
Biopesticides handbook / (Acc. 6361)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.9 NOL |
1 |
Additional Reading List
Biopesticides handbook / (Acc. 6361)
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.9 NOL |
1 |
Additional Reading List
Entomology and Pest Management/ (Acc. 4354)
Pedigo, Larry P. |
Bhutan Journal |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 PED |
1 |
Additional Reading List
Entomology and pest management / (Acc. 3792)
Pedigo, Larry P. |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 PED |
Additional Reading List
Entomology and Pest Management/ (Acc. 5161)
Pedigo, Larry P. |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 PED |
Additional Reading List
Entomology and Pest Management/ (Acc. 5161)
Pedigo, Larry P. |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 PED |
Additional Reading List
Entomology and Pest Management/ (Acc. 5161)
Pedigo, Larry P. |
Books on Agriculture |
College of Natural Resources |
632.7 PED |
Additional Reading List