A compass towards a just and harmonious society 2015 GNH Survey Report /

A compass towards a just and harmonious society 2015 GNH Survey Report / Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research. - Thimphu, Bhutan : Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research, 2016. - 334 p. : ill, ; ----

Since the foundation of Bhutan, spirituality and compassion have been
integrated with governance. Furthermore, this integration has occurred
at both the personal and the institutional level. This report opens by
tracing the history of this imaginative integration, which was
crystallized by His Majesty the Fourth King into the idea of GNH. As
Bhutan has developed and encounters with other societies expanded,
the spirituality of compassion that earlier was embedded in civil
servants’ via personal practice has been made more explicit, more
articulate and uses modern technologies. One expression of this is the
development of the GNH Index, which opens a wider angle onto
people’s lives. Survey data are used to provides information on all of
these relevant areas. And the GNH Survey and Index are used to clarify
areas in which the conditions for happiness exist and those where
public action is required to establish the conditions of happiness. As
the GNH research of the Centre for Bhutan Studies is designed to
inform action, the first chapter also describes the associated policy and
programme screening tools as well as other actions by which GNH has
been advanced.
The remainder of this report presents the findings of the 2015 Gross
National Happiness (GNH) Survey, which collected information from
across Bhutan on many aspects of Bhutanese people’s lives that relate
to wellbeing measurement and analysis. The Survey was used to
construct the 2015 GNH Index, and to compare levels and the
composition of GNH across groups, and across the period 2010-2015.
The GNH Survey and the GNH Index created from it are designed to
guide actions to advance GNH across Bhutan This report, called A
Compass Towards a Just and Harmonious Society, presents the
detailed findings from the survey for use by both experts and the
general public. It also gives strong guidance for action in public policy,
by the private sector, and among civil society organisations.


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