TY - BOOK AU - Bono, Edward de TI - Thinking course U1 - e-book (SD) PY - 1982/// CY - London PB - MICA Management Resources N1 - Includes bibliographical references and index N2 - 1 Thinking as a siclll 11 The intelligence trap 12 Practice 12 Education 1 3 Critical diinkmg 1 5 Perception 1 The tool method 1 6 2 Tlie PMI 18 Scan 21 Interesting 22 Use of the PMI 22 Two steps 24 Practice 24 3 Alternatives 25 Easy alternatives 26 More difEcult alternatives 27 The real difficulty 28 Beyond the adequate 29 TheAPC 31 Explanation 3 1 Hypothesis 3 Perception 32 Problems 32 Review 32 Design 33 Dedsion 33 Coiirse of action 3 3 Forecasting 34 Practicality 34 Altemathres and creativity 35 4 Perception and patterns 36 Perception 36 Crossing the road 40 Pattern making 41 How patterns are formed 42 The use of patterns 45 Recognition 45 Getting it wrong 46 Abstraction 47 Grouping 47 Analysis 48 Awareness 48 Art 49 Exercise 49 5 Lateral thinking 50 Pattern changing 51 Humour 52 Hindsight and insight 53 Creativity and lateral thinking 54 Lateral thinking as process 55 Judgement and provocation 56 The word 'po* 58 The stepping stone method 58 The escape method 61 The random stimulation method 62 General use of lateral thinking 64 The logic of lateral thinking 64 6 Information and thinking 66 Operacy ^ Experience scan 68 CAE 68 C&S 69 Dense reading and dense listening 71 Logic 72 Getting more information 73 Questions 73 Experiments 74 Selecting information 75 FI-FO 76 Two uses 76 7 Other People 77 'Exlectdcs' 80 EBS 81 ADI 82 'Logic-bubbles' 83 OPV 85 Constructive design 88 Negotiation 88 Conunimication 89 8 Emotions and values 91 Gut feeling and thinking 91 Emotions at three points 92 Changing feelings 94 Values 95 HVandLV 96 Value-laden words 97 Awareness 99 9 Making dsolslons lOO Decision pre-frame 101 Generation of alternatives 101 Values and priorities 1 01 The dice method 102 Hie easy way out method 102 The spell-out method 103 Buriden's ass metiiod 104 The ideal solution method 105 The best home method 105 The *Whlat if..?' mediod 106 The simple matrix method 107 The fiill matrix method 1 08 The laziness method 109 Decision post-frame 110 Emphasis on fit 111 The future 111 10 Tliinldng and doing 112 Operacy 113 TTiree ways of doing tilings 113 Setting objectives 114 AGO 115 Targets 116 Strategy and tactics 117 Courses of action 118 If-boxraaps 119 Planning 120 The terrain 121 People 121 Risks 121 Constraints 122 Resources 122 Future 122 Business and daily U& 122 11 Deliberate thinking 1S3 Deliberate 123 Focused 123 Confident 124 Enjoyable 124 Self-image 125 Time discipline 125 Harvesting 126 Thinking about tiiinking 127 The TEC framework 1 28 The 5-minute think 129 Symbolic TEC 132 PISCO 133 Symbolic PISCO 134 TEC-PISCO 134 Deliberate practice of thinking 1 34 Thinking clubs 135 General thinking skiUs 135 Formal and informal 137 12 Summary 138 Reference material 14S Setting up a thinking clul> 144 Index 155 ER -