From farmers to fishers :developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams / (Acc: 3281)
Costa-Pierce, Barry A.
From farmers to fishers :developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams / (Acc: 3281) developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams / Barry Costa-Pierce. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1997. - x, 56 p.
Fishery management
Fish culture
Freshwater fishes
Forced migration
Fishery management
Fish culture
639.302 PIE
From farmers to fishers :developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams / (Acc: 3281) developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams / Barry Costa-Pierce. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1997. - x, 56 p.
Fishery management
Fish culture
Freshwater fishes
Forced migration
Fishery management
Fish culture
639.302 PIE